Food and Equipment

What do I need to bring?

Each of our expeditions have a dedicated kit list for you to use and tick off as you pack. If you’d like a little more guidance, we have a Participant Expedtion Guide, which contains lots of useful hints and tips which you might find useful. The Kit list will let you know what is provided for you by No Limits as well, but as a general rule of thumb, we provide all the group equipment and you provide your personal equipment.

Can I borrow any equipment I don’t have?

All open expeditions have the option to add on participant kit hire which is really handy if you’re travelling on public transport or flying as it massively reduces what you need to pack. The participant kit hire includes the following:

  • Expedtion Rucksack and Waterproof Liner
  • Waterproof Trousers and Jacket
  • Sleeping Bag and Mat
  • Compass and Whistle
  • Headtorch and Spare Batteries
  • Water bottles, Bowl, Plate. Mug and Cutlery
  • Matches and Washing Up Kit

If its just a single item your’e missing, or are unsure of what something is, get in touch with us and we’ll do our best to help.

What food do I need to bring?

Your expedition kit list has a handy meal planner on letting you know what meals you need to bring, and our Participant Expedtion Guide has some great hints and tips on what food is suitable. If you’re stuck for ideas or want some advice feel free to give us a call or email.

How will I cook my food?

Each expedition team will have two Trangia stoves (except for our bushcraft trips where they will use open fires) these each have two small pans and a frying pan. For some hints and tips on what cooks well (and not so well!) on expedition stoves, see our participant expedition guide.

Can I go out for dinner or order takeaway?

As part of the DofE Expedition requirements you will need to be “self sufficient” – this means having all the supplies required to care for and feed your team without outside intervention. Unfortunately, this means takeaways and pub meals are out of the question for the qualifying parts of expeditions. Where there is the chance to eat out as part of the training or R&R parts of our trips, our itinerary will let you know.

Will water be provided?

Where water isn’t available at campsites we will provide all the equipment and training to help you source freshwater suitable for cooking and drinking.

Can you provide food for me?

Yes – All our open expeditions have the option to add on an expedition meal package. This package will contain all the main meals you need as well as a snack and some treats for each day. You might want to bring along a couple of your favourite treats to add to this, but essentially it will provide everything you need whilst away.

If you choose this add on, we will send you a menu 8 weeks before so you can let us know if you have any dietary requirements or if there are things you don’t like, and we’ll do the rest!

A lot of our participants find this a great option for when using public transport or flying to an expedition as it really reduces the bulk and weight of what you need to bring with you.

Can I use my own expedition equipment?

We will always do our best to accommodate this, we just ask that you let us know in advance so we can have a chat about it’s suitability. We’d hate to see you carrying a heavy or unsuitable item if we an make your life easier. Likewise, where it’s safety critical (such as a buoyancy aid or canoe) our team may just need to run through a quick few safety questions with you to ensure it’s up to current standards.

Do I really need walking boots?

For walking expeditions in mountainous areas, 99% of the time, yes! Whilst they may not look the coolest, the extra grip and support they provide makes all the difference when carrying a heavy rucksack off the beaten track, even more so if you were to take a slip. We do though want you to be comfortable and happy so if you have a reason that’s stopping you wanting to or being able to wear boots, get in touch with us and let us know so we can help.

Our most important advice when it comes to boots is to know they fit and are comfortable before you leave home. If you buy a new pair or have borrowed some from a friend, wear them around the house and for a local walk to be sure they aren’t going to rub, and that they are comfortable before coming away.

Can I bring things not on the kit list?

Whilst our kit list is comprehensive, if you think of something you may need that we have missed by all means bring it along. Things that are not on our standard list but people sometimes bring are:

  • Pillows, Playing Cards, Books, Make Up, Frisbees, Rugby Balls, Twister, Midge Head Nets, Hand Cream, Drawing Pad, Team Flags and Teddy Bears

None of these items are silly nor are they “must haves” but some of them may make you happier. Essentially, it’s a compromise of how much space you have in your bag and how heavy it might be. We can always leave any excess kit you change your mind about in the expedition support vehicle. Just think, if you can’t fit it in your bag or carry it here, how are you going to carry it around the expedition!

I am worried buying all this equipment is going to cost a fortune.

It absolutely shouldn’t, and if you’re in this position, get in touch with us for some advice.

Most items you need to bring are things you are likely to already have or are able to borrow, there is no need to have the latest brand-new outdoor fashion and top of the range kit. If there are things you would like to buy, make sure you look around to buy “preloved” items on Vinted, eBay and Marketplace, or even in local charity shops. Ask around family and friends, maybe they have the rucksack they bought for their DofE.

The most important items to consider are your waterproofs and footwear, these being of a reasonable quality and fit will make a huge difference, but this does not have to come at a great price.

We are very keen to make the outdoors accessible to all, so if this is a worry for you, please get in touch so we can help.

Mobile phones and staying in touch

Can I bring my mobile phone?

Yes, you’re welcome to bring your mobile phone along provided you use it as agreed with your instructors. Please bear in mind you’ll be responsible for keeping it dry and safe throughout the expedition, we’d recommend a waterproof case and powerpack.

Will I be able to phone home each night?

We would encourage you to embrace the independence and isolation of the expedition, instead of relying on the support of your team mates. We also can’t promise you will have reception in all our expedition areas. If there is an urgent need to phone home for a specific reason our instructors will always have a method of communication with the outside world and will do their best to help.

Will I be able to contact my child for updates throughout the expedition?

We would encourage you to allow the participants to embrace the independence and isolation of the expedition and due to the lack of reception in some expedition areas we can’t promise you’ll always be able to get in touch directly with your child. All emergency contacts and parents will have a contact number for the duty operations manager who can reassure you or answer any questions. Where appropriate they will be able to speak to the expedition team and if urgently required put you in contact with your child as soon as we can.

Will there be somewhere to charge my phone?

On expedition you will be required to be independent of external assistance so no, there will not be anywhere to charge your phone. Our instructors will work with your team to create a plan that allows your team to manage phone batteries, so you always have a means of contacting help within your group by turning some off or using other methods of communication such as sat trackers. If you intend to use your phone for more than just emergency calls you may wish to bring along a power pack.

My exam results are published while we are away, can I access them?

We will absolutely do our best to accommodate requests such as this! Whilst expeditions are all about independence and often isolation, a life event such as this is too big to miss. If you speak to us in advance we’ll put in place a plan to do our best to help!

My exam results are published while we are away, can I access them?

We will absolutely do our best to accommodate requests such as this! Whilst expeditions are all about independence and often isolation, a life event such as this is too big to miss. If you speak to us in advance we’ll put in place a plan to do our best to help!

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How are NLD accredited and insured?

No Limits Development is a leading provider of DofE Expeditions, and one of the first providers to become accredited as an Approved Activity Provider (AAP). We have an excellent reputation for delivering high quality expeditions that stretch and challenge students to their full potential. We pride ourselves on the quality of our staff, all of whom are highly qualified and experienced outdoor professionals. All of our staff hold relevant national governing body qualifications, current first aid qualification, and DBS checks. Paired with their personal and professions experience, this allows them to deliver the safest and most engaging experience possible. As an organisation we are also AALA registered, and our safety systems and procedures not only match but exceed industry standards.

How will I be supervised by the instructors?

Our instructor’s aim is to mentor you throughout your expedition and keep you safe in a way that matches your confidence and skill level. We would always aim to get to a point where we remotely supervise you, leaving you alone as a team to independently journey and make your own decisions, but there are times when perhaps an element of the expedition involves bigger decision or risk (such as a rapid on a river, or high winds on a mountain summit) where we may need to change to a more direct method of supervision to keep you safe.

What will happen if someone becomes ill or gets injured?

All our instructors are experienced and qualified first aiders, they will assess the situation and work with participants to make an appropriate plan. For minor illnesses and injuries, the team and instructors will be equipped to deal with these in expedition be these blisters, cuts and bumps or minor illnesses. For more serious illnesses or injuries all expeditions have plans in place to be able to safely and easily take participants to minor injuries or a pharmacy for minor external assistance that will hopefully fix the problem allowing them to come back to continue with the expedition. In the event of a more serious incident, No Limits has in in place extensive support and plans to deal with serious incidents or evacuations requiring emergency services and other external agencies.

In the event that a participant is too unwell to continue with the planned trip our team will ensure that the young person gets to a place of comfort and safety and is continued to be cared for whilst being able to call their emergency contact to arrange for them to be collected or to travel home.

I have a medical, dietary or other need, can I still take part?

At the heart of our ethos and vision is adventurous experiences that are accessible for all. Whatever your need, get in touch with us and we can discuss how we can accommodate you!

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General questions

What is wild camping?

Wild camping is where we make camp (put up our tents, cook and spend the night) outside of a formal campsite. This may be high on the mountainside or next to a loch. This is an amazing experience which allows you to embrace the environment and experience sights and sounds others will never see. Where your trip involves wild camping part of your training will be how to “leave no trace” and keep yourself safe and comfortable away from civilisation!

What will we do if there is no toilets or showers?

All formal campsites we use on our trips (not including wild camps) have toilets, but a shower is a rare treat! Where there are no toilets or showers you will be trained in how to safely and comfortably go to the toilet in the wilderness, and how to keep yourself clean and well. To find out more take a look at this great article by Wilderness Scotland

Will everyone coming on the trip know each other, other than me?

Whilst there may be some people who book together, it is most common that no one on our open expeditions knows each other before the trip. Don’t worry though part of our preparation will give you the chance to meet the team online and we’ll include some icebreakers and team building on our trip. We are confident that you will have a great time and get along with your team, perhaps even making friends you’ll go away with again in the future!

My friends are booking the same trip can we be in the same team?

We’ll absolutely do our best, please just let us know when you book.

Can I “fail”?

Assessed expeditions do have some elements that must be met in accordance with the DofE Expedition requirements (found here LINK) which must be met to “pass”, none of these are onerous or unrealistic. It is very rare for people to “fail” and in our experience everyone who arrives with the commitment to do their best and give it their all will pass.

How far will we travel each day?

Expeditions are not about “how far” or the “destination” they are about the “journey”. Journeying and activity associated with it is about exploring, experiencing and embracing everything that the expedition area offers. The DofE requirements are that each day includes a set number of hours of activity (6 per day for Bronze, 7 per day for Silver and 8 per day for Gold). Different expeditions have different aims so for example the distance covered on our canoe and bushcraft exploration of Loch Awe will be very different to our walking expedition of the West Highland Way.

When will we plan our routes?

Route planning will be done as part of your expedition when you meet your team and agree your aims. It’s always nice to familiarise yourself with where you’re going in advance perhaps with a Google or look at the map, but you’ll have no preparation or planning to do in terms of route planning pre-expedition.

I have seen similar expeditions elsewhere that are cheaper, why are you more expensive?

Whilst expeditions may have the same title, location and aim, what is behind them will differ from provider to provider. We believe that the logistical support, staffing, planning and equipment we provide strikes the right balance between value and quality. We pride ourselves on offering affordable, high quality expeditions that are well resourced and make your life as easy as possible.

Some elements of our provision that we feel particularly set us apart are:

  • Our unique ability to provide additional equipment and food packages for those who would prefer to travel light and reduce the pre-expedition workload.
  • All specialist and group equipment taken care off including maps and fuel, no need to provide your own expensive extras you may not use ever again.
  • Travel accessibility – We offer pickups from locations easily accessed by mainline transport such as train and bus stations and for some of our trips airports. No need to get dropped off in an obscure valley in the middle of nowhere with us!
  • Well-resourced and supported expeditions with full emergency support and in expedition support vehicles for peace of mind.
  • Outside of the ordinary – We aim to travel the path less trodden and offer unique and extraordinary experiences, providing opportunities to make your expedition an experience of a lifetime.
  • Dedicated open expedition coordinator available to guide you through your expedition journey supported by a full-time team you can easily access and build relationships with.
  • We have “No Limits” – Whilst we have an eye on good value and easily accessible expeditions to make achieving your award straightforward, we also have the unique ability to say yes! Our biggest strength is our ability to achieve anything, be this booking on one of our range of pre-planned trips, or a unique, extreme or luxury bespoke expedition for a group of friends with any number of options to make your life easier we can do it all!